Monday, April 28, 2008

treasuring beauty

I have never cried during sex unless I'm being beaten very hard or used in my ass without a proper warmup.

Yesterday, tears were flowing because of my joy and my feeling of overwhelming gratitude. Your touch means so much to me. You are so very beautiful and I adore you. Your beauty continues to astound me and I long to please you. When I fail, I am miserable. I never feel more hurt than when you are sad.

I only ask that you do not cheapen my feelings. Please respect them and honor them by being honest with me. Do not make my adoration of you a schoolgirl crush. It is very much an adult love and an abiding one that includes your spirit, your intellect, as well as your immense physical beauty.

As I kissed you yesterday and felt my vulva against you, I realized that I may never have this again if I don't get things right and to feel your beauty this close was a gift that I treaure and respect.

Sometimes I get caught up in how I feel and want more than you are ready to give.
I crave your small affections and attentions and pray that you give me your firm hand, your belt, the cane. I am ready, MSR, to bend to you.

Monday, April 14, 2008

breaking the cane

Splinters on the king are but evidence of your power MSR. The cane split and shattered while I was reveling in your attention to my ass.

Our weekends now, are relaxed, and my cries do no have to be muffled; your pleasure can taken at leisure.

We are leaning into each other, taking inspiration, and using our hands and mouths to satisfy our urges and hungers.

My cock inside you shudders when I do, when you do, when you cry out and tremble inside.

Up on your hands and knees, I am kneeling behind you, my fingers fondle your ass and sex, bringing your limbs to a frenzied rage before you climax.

Bringing you pleasure is my passion MSR. My heart yearns to find new ways to love you.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

sweet love

My dear MSR---

kisses, passionate and strong
a good laugh together
good conversation
cooking supper
leaning into each other watching tv
a sweet caress
your lips on the back of my neck
feeding me, feeding you with hands, fingers sucked
sweet love like this
sticks like honey
makes the meaty salty sex sweeter

it all counts MSR

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


We all have limits....yours are hard to see at times and mine seem invisible. I assure you I have limits but they have not been tested fully and I yearn to explore the edges of them with you.
I want to bring you to the edge of yours too.

Does the clinking of the belt excite you MSR? Does the sound of the cane rattling on the bedpost get your sex moist? I hope so.

Do you see how I look at you as you tease me, bending over in your short chemise with the lips of your ass cheeks peeking at me? I watch you polish your nails and think of how they look against your sex. Do you see me longing for those hands?

I ask to help you so that I may hear your voice commanding me....I want to know that I've pleased you in so many ways.

My limits are not limits but rather a desire to be held in your esteem, to feel useful and be under your gaze, within your grasp, and if the world would permit, at the end of your leash and collar.

I have enjoyed our last few days together MSR. The sharing of our hearts, the hot hot sex, the running, the cooking, the conversation. I am smiling and longing to see you with an uplifted heart.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

whipping boy

I am here to provide you with pleasure Miss. I long for your command. The whip, the cane, the belt are merely instruments to lead me to submit. Your pleasure is what commands me. The swelling of your breast and your sex and the smile you share with me is what I crave.

At your whim, MSR, I will serve. Bend me over. Fill my holes or leave me wanting. I will do as you ask by knowing that it pleases you. Use me like a fuckhole or instrument for your total use. Fetching what you wish for, fulfilling the tasks you have for me to perform like your show pony, your house bitch. I am dripping thinking of how you could command me. Bring on the discipline Miss; I am desirous to please and I yearn for training.

Limits are merely boundaries yet unfulfilled. Your sex should be suckled as my lips service your feet and my body is used as your whipping post. My holes should entertain you as you see fit. I am your object possession, useful, used, and cared for in order to be used again.

My arms, my lips, my cunt, my ass, my cock are here to serve you. I want you to feel and see my sex drip down my leg so that you know this service pleases me. I only ask that I be desired--and to be of use.

MSR, this journey is exhilarating and I still long for you as as a friend and lover. Whip me and apply the salve. Use me, and use me again.