I tried to bring MSR some daddy last night. It took some courage to do so. I want to please her so much. I brought my cock, strapped on, ready to fuck. It was too much. She was tight and unresponsive. My confidence waned. I wanted to escape. "Do you want me to leave?" I can't even believe it came out of my mouth. She immediately shut down. I don't blame her. I didn't mean the way that it sounded but I knew how it sounded. I wanted reassurance and she wanted confidence. We have this problem lately. I have this problem lately.
Daddy isn't gone my sweet MSR. He needs his girl too. He won't take what isn't offered. He is a gentleman. I thought our new experiment would let him rest and build confidence, but you need him now, and especially before your big race. I'm trying to bring him to you. Give your strong daddy a loving kiss sweet baby.